Famous Camp Folded Steel With Sheath
Damascus camp knife with sheath
At Fire & Ice Outdoor Gear we call this our "Famous Knife" and for good reason. It is the first knife we ever designed, the knife was used & seen on survival tv shows and to this day, it is still our best seller!
Blade Details
This knife is made from Pattern welded Damascus steel. Pattern welded Damascus steel is a hard heat treated, folded carbon steel. There are 11 pieces of steel, folded five times, making 352 layers. The steel is the perfect combination of hardness and durability with a Rockwell hardness rating between 55 and 56 HRC. High carbon damascus steel must contain layers of high carbon steel. The high carbon steel we use is 1095 steel which is the highest content carbon steel used in swords. The combination of the steel layers creates a blade that is strong enough to hold a powerful edge while having the strength and flexibility to withstand powerful collisions. The handle is Olivewood. It comes with a leather sheath.
Knife Details
Handle: Wood with brass bolsters
Overall Length: 8"
Rockwell Hardness: 55-56 HRC
Number of layers: 352
Sheath: Leather sheath
Blade Material: Damascus steel
6 Pieces of Carbon Steel #43 and #40
5 Pieces of High Carbon Steel 1095
1st Fold- 11x2=22 Layers
2nd Fold- 22*2=44 Layers
3rd Fold- 44*2=88 Layers
4th Fold- 88*2=176 Layers
5th Fold- 176*2=352 Layers